Nerd, CDC badass, and Survivor star Davie Rickenbacker (@ItweetDavie on twitter, @IamDavie on instagram) joins the Morphy Boys to talk about a child monster named David.
That’s right, we’re talking the first part of the David trilogy. There’s a new Animorph in town and he’s…something. They talk their Animorphs cliques, growing up as an Animorphs fan in Georgia, and which celebrity they would morph into. Tyler shows his ass when talking about metal. There’s some Xena music. Have you ever held hands with a bro while pooping in the bathroom? Is rolling dice in the bathroom cooler than holding hands with your bro? The Animorphs bungle the bird plan after eating Whoppers. Davie wows us with cobra facts. Davie gives us some gossip about Survivor. This is an anti-Mike White podcast. All my homies hate Mike White. We are handing out Animorphing Time NOPE’s all over the place. Tyler is enamored with an old Volkswagen commercial. Nate is the only one who makes a sensible choice in which celebrity he would morph. Davie and the Morphy Boys debate if making an Animorph is right or wrong. In the end, they just do it. David’s family is infested, his house ruined, and his life destroyed. The Animorphs have adopted a cruel idiot. Then they must save the president!