Book 35 — Be Vulnerable with Your Bros ft Marco

Rum Radlers for all! Tyler makes an awful drink. The Morphy Boys are thrown off by Marco (@kaibacorp on Twitter and aztec_gainz on Instagram) being a good person with a noble calling. Thing may be getting better but not while Texas is around. Marco joins the Morphy Boys to talk about anxiety and book 35. Tyler tries to get Nate to do a fight club. It kind of works. We find some hidden David Mattingly treats on the inside cover of the book. Tyler gets trapped in a Duke Nukem hole. Nate proves again that he is a hater of love when Marcos dad gets cute with his new Math GF. Marco is having anxiety attacks that affect his morphing. It’s funny looking. Marco in the book is a real jerk but real life Marco is a sweetie pie. Nate is terrified of birds. Tyler talks about his badass great grandma. Marco says never use a weapon when doing crimes. Marco teaches us about a weird cockatiel millionaire. Tyler tells Nate a secret about their friendship that changes things forever. Then the bros talk about healthy expressions of aggression. Cool shit.

From Marco about donating to bail funds: “I personally trust Make the Road and the Brooklyn Bail Fund but have no professional or personal ties to them. Adding the Liberty Fund and Freedom for Immigrants for more bail and immigration relief options.”!/donation/checkout

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